As promised in our last blog, “Splatter Painting Our Way Through Japan”, (and here is where I go out on a limb and assume you are a faithful reader), I will continue to paint our picture by introducing you to several people. Each individual, with his or her own distinct color, will be a featured star in future blogs.
Meet John Roos, U.S. Ambassador to Japan.
The lawyer made diplomat is new on the scene in the Pacific. John grew up in California and went on to attend Stanford University and then Stanford Law School (he was and is no slouch). His political career started on a whim when he got a call soon after walking into the White House (security was much looser back then) and dropping his resume on the front desk. With continued close ties to the government, he practiced law in California and rubbed elbows with the political elite.
Fast forward many years and John’s long shot nomination turned victory, lands me and Rebecca in his office. With matching Beleza uniforms, (if you can’t dress business professional, dress soccer professional) we managed to make a lasting impression that would spurn valuable opportunities for the weeks following.
Future blog: More specifics on our meeting with Japan’s newest (going on 4 months) acting Ambassador/Celebrity/Big Deal.
Meet Resident Awestruck Ladybug, Couchsurfer in Sonobe, Kyoto.
The Vermont native now finds herself in the rural town of Sonobe, Kyoto teaching English to high school students. Going by many an alias, she is every bit as interesting as her Couchsurfing (Couchsurfing – Please refer back to an earlier blog for a detailed description) name suggests. A fan of death metal, scarification, and piercings, she makes one mean egg plant parmesan and an even meaner pumpkin pancake. To go along with her bubbly personality and warm smile, she possesses a playful energy that you can’t help but love. The Resident Awestruck Ladybug would be the first of many to welcome me and Rebecca into her home, and, therefore, onto her futon as we traveled throughout Japan.
Future blog: A full description of our Kyoto’s river boat tours, underground café’s, and post office debacles.
Meet Barack Obama, President of the United States of America.
If there was ever a man that needed no introduction, it is he. President of the United States and good friend of John Roos (nominated to Ambassadorship by Obama himself), Obama would kick off his Asian tour in Japan. Thanks to our newly established relationship with John, Rebecca and I would be invited by the White House to attend Obama’s speech at Suntory Hall. Sitting on the second level, surrounded by media and well dressed Japanese and American officials, we watched wide eyed and all ears.
Future blog: All the action on our Presidential shopping trip, early morning Obama eloquence, and worthwhile Embassy networking.
Meet Krishna Somnah, Couchsurfer in Hiroshima, Japan.
Born and raised on the island of Mauritius, (this island, off the African East coast and close to Madagascar, was once a French colony ….and, yes, it is OK to now look it up on a map), Krishna teaches English and math at the high school level. Pacifist and strong believer in friendly international relations, he spends his free time leading peace conferences at the Peace Park Convention Center in Hiroshima. With experience in teaching at an International Bachelorette School in Mauritius, he hopes to spark a similar program in Japan. He loves his tea and toast in the morning, spicy Mauritian curry at night, and is quick to debate on the death penalty, futbol history, and Japanese culture (this is where I must plug in that Rebecca was the fiercest debate partner Krishna has ever seen…..after about a half dozen comments highlighting Rebecca’s verbal aptitude, it was obvious to all of us that Krishna would dearly miss Rebecca’s intellectual feistiness). Krishna would be a fine host as Rebecca and I spent the day personally witnessing the historic implications of the A-Bomb.
Future blog: An inside look at the Peace Park Museum, cooking lessons, and run-ins with Bambi-Chan on the beautiful island of Miyajima.
Meet Nik Holm, Couchsurfer in Takamatsu, Shikoku.
Having met Nik in the first month of our trip, he was (and even more so now), relatively speaking of course (we met him on one occasion for only three hours), considered a close friend. Also a teacher of English to Japanese students, he spends his days on one of the most remote islands of Japan. With a dry, Canadian wit, he is a humorous source of knowledge on an endless array of eclectic topics. Fascinated by astronomy and 5 time champion of Halloween costume contests, he possesses the musical skills to serenade you over acoustic guitar. Although always in constant search for the next epic Leonid meteor shower, he never misses a chance to share a lively conversation over a home cooked meal.
Future blog: Education on never ending stair cases, bamboo forests, and Astronomy 101.
Meet Yukio Hatoyama, Prime Minister of Japan.
Recently elected from the Democratic Party of Japan, Yukio is a refreshing change to the 50 year rule of the Liberal Democratic Party. Also a Stanford graduate, Yukio has the challenging task of sparking a deflated economy in a country instilled with a unique cultural make up and stocked with tradition. With a star studded guest list at the Ambassador’s personal residence, Yukio would be the honored recipient of a California Berkley pin during the Big Game Football Party. Express mailed to Japan from my dear sister Molly and her husband, Tyson, in California, two pins (along with t-shirts, pom poms, fake tattoos, a visor, a winter hat, and rally beads) would personally find their way into the hands of both the Ambassador and Yukio courtesy of me and Rebecca.
Future blog: A celebration of Cal victories, historic MacArthur homes, and meals with the Ambassador’s family and friends.
So, it is obvious we have a lot to blog about. With a small taste of things to come, I hope you are as excited as we are to share this eventful end to our story.
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